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Multiplier event in Estonia

Multiplier event in Estonia

The aim of the multiplier event was to call the stakeholders’ attention to the project outputs at national level. The organisation of the multiplier event began in summer 2022. The first step was to select the people to be invited and the event venue. In Estonia,...

Multiplier event in Romania

Multiplier event in Romania

Gheorghe Asachi Technical College Botosani organized and hosted, in its festivities’ hall, the Multiplier Event, on Monday, June 27, 2022, starting from 10 o'clock. The guests were: representatives of Botosani County School Inspectorate (2), local authorities (City...

Testing the methodology in Estonia

Testing the methodology in Estonia

Our school is one of the partners in the Erasmus + project “Think Inside the Box”, during which two STEAM learning hackathons were developed to help students develop STEAM skills. The project aimed to test the activities in their own schools first and later on train...

Interim partner meeting in Estonia

Interim partner meeting in Estonia

On 23-24th November, 2021, an interim partner meeting took place at Kuressaare Nooruse Kool in Kuressaare, Estonia. It was the first on-site meeting for the international project team since the start of the project in October 2020. Meeting participants had two days of...

Progress of the project

Progress of the project

The project started with preparation for the kickoff meeting, which was held online on November 3rd, 2020. The agenda included: introduction of participants and partner organizations; presentation of the project; presentation and discussion of the IO; discussion and...

Teacher training completed

Teacher training completed

The purpose of the joint staff learning/teaching/training activity was to train the teachers and methodologists from partner schools to be able to implement the Think Inside The Box methodology with their pupils and later pass this knowledge to other teachers from...

Teacher training course

Teacher training course

On April 7, 2021, an international teacher training course started under the framework of the project "Think Inside the Box! A methodological STEAM toolkit for schools". This training course is being held online instead of a live 3-day training, which was initially...

Kick-off partner meeting

Kick-off partner meeting

On November 3, 2020 the first transnational partner meeting for the Erasmus+ project “THINK INSIDE THE BOX! A METHODOLOGICAL STEAM TOOLKIT FOR SCHOOLS ” was held. The event took place remotely. It was attended by representatives of all five organizations involved in...

Project starts!

Project starts!

An international partnership led by Robotikos mokykla is starting to implement an Erasmus+ Strategic partnerships for school education project THINK INSIDE THE BOX! A METHODOLOGICAL STEAM TOOLKIT FOR SCHOOLS“ (grant agreement No 2020-1-LT01-KA201-077987). Project will...

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