The aim of the multiplier event was to call the stakeholders’ attention to the project outputs at national level. The organisation of the multiplier event began in summer 2022. The first step was to select the people to be invited and the event venue. In Estonia, Kuressaare Nooruse School collected stakeholder contacts (secondary schools, local and regional, and national policy makers, education development and research experts, parents’ organisations, teachers’ associations, etc.).

The stakeholder’s database included not only contacts but also the description of the potential areas of the cooperation, the method of approaching a stakeholder. One of the most important aspects of the database building was dissemination of the project result. The database was available only for the participant partners. Multiplier event speakers were also selected.

The invitation was sent out appr. 2-3 weeks before the event. All other issues (e.g. catering, parking, reception of guests, etc.) were carefully planned, and the dissemination materials and presentations were produced three weeks before the roundtable. As an important part of the project, electronic feedback sheets were also distributed to fill in to provide inputs for quality assurance. There were also created templates to be used in the organisation and implementation of the multiplier event. 


  • Development of initial training materials for micro:bit programming and 3D modelling and printing.
  • The presentations of the participant feedbacks: participant school ́s teachers and students, non-participant school ́s teachers and students.
  • Practical workshops with the developed toolkit. 

The event took place on the 23rd of September 2022 in the Arensburg Boutique Hotel & Spa conference room, in Kuressaare. A total of 30 people attended, including teachers, educational technologists, youth workers, etc. Margit Düüna and Madli-Maria Naulainen as project coordinators for Think Inside The Box project in Kuressaare Nooruse School took over the presentation of the project and its results. First, Margit briefly explained the framework, objectives and structure of “Think Inside The Box” and introduced the project partners. Then Madli-Maria presented the project result (Intellectual Output), the Think Inside The Box methodological toolkit, followed by an active workshop.

Overall, according to the feedback, the participants consider it extremely important to anchor training materials for micro:bit programming and 3D modelling and printing in teaching and learning opportunities.