On April 7, 2021, an international teacher training course started under the framework of the project “Think Inside the Box! A methodological STEAM toolkit for schools”. This training course is being held online instead of a live 3-day training, which was initially planned to take place in Vilnius, Lithuania.

After discussing various possibilities, project partners decided on an extended online training course for partner schools’ teachers, in order to give them not only theoretical, but also practical knowledge on the Think Inside the Box event methodology and technological tools needed for these events.

The goal of the training is to fully prepare the teachers to test the Think Inside the Box event methodology with their pupils.

The online training course consists of 7 sessions, distributed over April and May and ending on June 3. Each session will be dedicated to a particular topic:

Session 1: Introduction. Presentation of the project and the training programme. Event scenarios. Introduction to Cura (3D software). Instructions for printing 3D parts.
Consultation: Q&A on printing 3D parts
Session 2: micro:bit: theory and practice
Session 3: 3D modelling programmes
Session 4: Event methodology
Session 5: Project in a box (GRADES 9-12)
Session 6: Project in a box (GRADES 5-8)
Session 7: Presentation of creative projects (boxes). Methodological insights, Q&A. Presentations of research tools. Next steps in project activities. Closing.

37 teachers from Lithuania, Romania and Estonia were delegated to this training by partner organizations. The trainers are lesson material developers from partners Robotikos mokykla, RoboLabas and VGTU Lyceum of Engineering.

The pandemic situation has affected not only the date and format of the planned staff training event, but also the plans to start testing the intellectual output with target group pupils. The testing period was changed from April – July 2021 to June – September 2021.