Think Inside the box!
A methodological Steam toolkit for schools
About the project
An exciting STEAM experience
Think Inside the Box is a 3-day technological event that arouses kids’ interest and provides skill development in a short time. Teams of pupils create models of Rube Goldberg machine inside a given box, building and programming with their preferred tools. This hands-on experience provides learners with concrete results that can be easily acknowledged, observed, shared, and appreciated. Problem-Based Learning, Design Thinking and Engineering methods are implemented to increase student engagement and motivation.
An exciting STEAM experience

EU funding instrument:

Key Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for school education

Period of realization:
01.10.2020 to 30.09.2022

Erasmus+ grant amount:
134 972 Eur
News & Updates
Hackathon for the youth of Šalčininkai region
A 3-day activity for youngsters of grades 9-12 from Šalčininkai region took place at the office of Robotikos mokykla in Vilnius. 20 participants took part in the STEAM challenge that included learning and applying the knowledge while creating a project in a box. Split...
The project was introduced to gymnasium students
-The project, as well as other Erasmus projects and scientific experiments, was introduced to the audience of the gymnasium students. The presentation was held at Šilalė Simonas Gaudėšius Gymnasium. Paulius Briedis, Director of Robotikos mokykla,. a graduate of the...
The European Innovative Teaching Award is an annual initiative that showcases outstanding teaching practices within the Erasmus+ programme and recognises the work of teachers and their schools engaged in European cooperation projects. Launched in 2021, it highlights...
Video Playlists
More videos can be found on projects YouTube channel

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project grant agreement No. 2020-1-LT01-KA201-077987. The website information reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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Cover photo of the website by Gert Lutter (Kuressaare Gümnaasium).
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